

كيف تبدأ محادثة مع الاخرين بالانجليزية - How to start a conversation with others in English

 كيف تبدأ محادثة مع الاخرين بالانجليزية - How to start a conversation with others in English

كيف تبدأ محادثة مع الاخرين بالانجليزية - How to start a conversation with others in English

كيف تبدأ محادثة مع الاخرين بالانجليزية

هل تجد صعوبة في التحدث بالإنجليزية؟ في بعض الأحيان يكون الجزء الأصعب هو مجرد بدء محادثة. تعلم هذه التعبيرات لبدء محادثة باللغة الإنجليزية في أي موقف - رسمي أو غير رسمي ، في العمل ، المدرسة ، أو سياقات أخرى! ترقبوا الدرس التالي ، والذي سيكون حول كيفية مواصلة المحادثة.

Hello my name is Sam.
Hey I'm Daniel.
Pleased to meet you.
How are you?
What's up?
Nice to see you again.
Have you met my husband Fred?
Let me introduce you to some of my co-workers.
There are some friends I'd very much like for you to meet.
Hey I'm Julia. What's your name?
I am from Florida.
Whereabouts in Florida are you from?
Have you met Karen?
How's life?
Good seeing you.
Long time no see you.
How have you been?
I'm alright, how about you?
What have you been up to?
Talk to you soon.

Hi there, how are you doing?
I'm okay. how are you?
How's life?
Life is good buddy.
What's new?
Not much but I'm great.
What's happening?
I'm keeping cool.
How are things with you?
Just fine thanks for asking.
What's new with you?
Nothing really, same old.
What's up?
I'm alright. What's up with you?
Hey,how'sit going?
I'm keeping good. How about you?
How's everything?
Everything is fine.
How's the family?
They are all well thanks.
What brings you this side of town?
I'm meeting a friend.
Long time no see.
That's true it has been quite a while.
What are you doing here?
I'm waiting for my brother.
It's good to see you again.
Nice to see you as well.
You're looking well this afternoon.
Thank you and so are you.

I've really enjoyed our chat.
Nice talking to you.
See you later 
I hope I can get to know you better.
See you soon.
Take care.
Will you be in this area again tomorrow.
Can we meet up sometimes?
How can I see you again?
I'm sorry, but I have to go now.

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