تعلم اللغة الأنجليزية من خلال قصة : علاء الدين والمصباح السحري
أهمية وفوائد تعلم اللغلة الأنجليزية من خلال القصص
هناك أهمية وفوائد كثيرة من تعلم اللغة الأنجليزية عن طريق القصص , لعل أهم تلك الفوائد هو أن لا يشعر الطالب أو المتعلم للغة الأنجليزية بالملل وعلي العكس يكون هناك نوع من المرح في مرحلة الدراسة , حيث أن الدارس للغة الأنجليزية يشعر بالحماسة والشغف لمتابعة ومعايشة القصة محل الدراسة ولايكون هناك نوع من التوتر الدراسي أو الأحساس بالاجبار .
أيضا من خلال تعلم اللغة الأنجليزية بواسطة القصص يتم تخزين مجموعة جيدة من العبارات والمفردات الأنجليزية كل مرة ومع كل قصة .
تعلم اللغة الأنجليزية من خلال قصة علاء الدين
إنها واحدة من القصص الخيالية العربية الأكثر
شعبية ، وهي جزء من مجموعة "حكايات الليالي العربية". أراد الساحر
الشرير امتلاك مصباح سحري. كان المصباح في الكهف في الصين. لسوء الحظ لم يتمكن
الساحر من الحصول عليها بمفرده. ويمكن أن يساعده طفل واحد فقط. ذات يوم التقى
الساحر بهذا الصبي في السوق الصينية. كان اسم الصبي علاء الدين. علاء الدين كان
فقيرا . اقترح عليه الساحر اتفاقية. وفقًا لذلك ، كان سيشتري كل
خبز علاء الدين وسيذهب الصبي معه إلى مكان سحري ، حيث كان الكهف السحري ... كانت
مهمة علاء الدين هي النزول إلى الكهف والعثور على هذا المصباح السحري في الحديقة
السحرية. ولكن عندما سقط علاء الدين ووجد المصباح ، لم يستطع العودة. أغلق حجر
كبير الممر.
قصة علاء الدين والمصباح السحري
Aladdin and the magic lamp
a long time ago a magician wanted a very
special magic lamp but the lamp was in a
cave in China the magician couldn't go
into the cave to get the lamp only a boy
could get the magic lamp from the cave
the magician went to China there in a
market he saw a poor boy the boy had a
basket of bread what's your name boy
asked the magician Aladdin sir said the
boy please buy my bread yes you can sell
me your bread said the magician and then
I can take you to the mountains to see a
Magic Garden in a secret cave here's the
bread said Aladdin now take me to the
mountains I want to see the secret cave
and the magic garden the magician and
Aladdin went to the mountains they ate
Aladdin's bread on the journey here's
the cave said the magician you Aladdin
must go into the cave and get the magic
but I can't go into the cave said
Aladdin the stone door is closed you
must pull the brass ring to open the
door then you can go in said the
Aladdin pulled the ring the stone door
opened and he saw some steps in the dark
go down the steps to the magic garden said
the magician there's a beautiful fruit
tree in the garden under the tree
there's a brass lamp you must bring the
lamp to me hurry
Aladdin go and bring me the lamp Aladdin
went down the steps it was very dark but
suddenly he saw a light it was the magic
garden Aladdin went into the magic
garden there were beautiful flowers and
wonderful trees but one tree was more
beautiful than the others it was the
fruit tree all the fruit were different
colors and different shapes
Aladin ate some of the fruit it was
then Aladdin saw the lamp under the tree
he took it and started to go back to the
I've got the lamp he shouted hurry hurry
bring me the lamp I must go home said
the magician Aladdin went up the steps
with the lamp but the door closed
the magician was very angry because he
didn't have the magic lamp he went back
home to a country far away
Aladin was alone in the dark cave help
he said I can't open the door but the
magician wasn't there the magician was
at home in a country far away from China
Aladdin was afraid the door was closed
and he couldn't open it he wanted to go
home then Aladdin looked at the magic
lamp it was dirty so he rubbed it on his
shirt to clean it hoosh hoosh hoosh
there was a blue red orange and green
cloud in the cave I am the genie of the
lamp said the genie your wish is my
I I I want to go home said Aladdin
please take me home
hoosh hoosh hoosh Aladdin was at home
with his mother
what's this an old brass lamp asked
Aladdin's mother I can clean it I
couldn't sell it in the market and then
I can buy some food for us
she took the lamp and started to rub it
no give me the lamp said Aladdin it's a
magic lamp wash wash wash
there was a blue red orange and green
cloud in the house I am the genie of the
lamp said the genie
your wish is my command
I want a beautiful house some lovely
clothes and a lot of jewels said
Aladdin's mother
hoosh hoosh hoosh Aladdin and his mother
had a beautiful house lovely clothes and
a lot of jewels they were rich now
Aladdin helped the poor people in the
town he gave them money and food and
everyone loved him some years later
Aladdin married a beautiful princess the
emperor's daughter the emperor liked
Aladdin because he was kind to the poor
people Aladdin and the princess lived in
a beautiful palace with a garden they
were very happy Aladdin's mother lived
with them
one day Aladdin was in the palace
reading a book
the princess was in the garden she saw a
poor old man with a big basket of lamps
outside the garden new lamps for old he
shouted bring me your old lamps I've got
new lamps to give you what a good idea
thought the princess I can give him
Aladdin's old lamp and he can give me a
lovely new lamp for Aladdin the old man
took the old lamp from the princess
Thank You princess you're very kind
he said why do you want old lamps said
the princess ha he said I only want one
old lamp this one it's a magic lamp with
a genie and it can make me a rich man oh
you're not a poor old man said the
princess you are the magician yes
princess said the magician and now we
must go far away to my country
the magician took the lamp and rubbed it
hoosh hoosh hoosh there was a blue red
orange and green cloud in the garden
I am the genie of the lamp said the
genie your wish is my command
take us under Ladin's palace to my
country said the magician whoosh whoosh
whoosh suddenly they were far away there
was no town and there were no people
they were in the desert
please Aladdin take us home said the
don't be sad my princess said Aladdin we
must get the magic lamp I've got an idea
we can ask the magician to eat with us
this evening we can give him a drink
with a magic potion
her magic sleeping potion said the
princess yes said Aladdin and when he's
asleep I can take the magic lamp from
we can put the sleeping potion in some
orange juice said the princess good idea
said Aladdin
that evening the magician went to
Aladdin's palace
do you like it here in my country ask
the magician yes the desert is strange
and beautiful said Aladdin but we want
to go home oh no said the magician you
must stay here forever
would you like some orange juice said
the princess it's very good
it's from the orange trees in my garden
thank you said the magician suddenly the
magician was asleep
Aladdin took the magic lamp from him and
rubbed it hoosh hoosh hoosh there was a
blue red orange and green cloud in the
palace I am the genie of the lamp said
the genie your wish is my command
please take us home but we don't want to
take the magician said Aladdin he can
stay here in the desert forever
the Emperor was very happy to see his
daughter and Aladdin again
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